Thursday, October 14, 2010

Swim Meet This Weekend

We just got the schedule for this thing.  It's going to be a huge, long, drawn-out event.  I've been preparing Steven as much as I can, being a novice myself, for the eventuality that he will not win.  Most likely, he won't even place...  He doesn't seem too concerned with this.  He is a competitive kid, but he understands statistics!

He will be swimming against older kids, more experienced kids, and in events he's never swum before except for one, which he only did two times.  He has to do new flip turns he is not used to doing, he has to start on the starting blocks which he's never used in competition, and the environment will be far different from the outdoor neighborhood summer league.  These are all serious swimmers.  But he's a pretty stable guy.  It should be alright, but I'm sure he's going to be overwhelmed! 

I'm mostly curious as to how the meet will affect his diabetes.  In a "big meet" during the summer league, where he never really had to worry about losing most events, his sugars shot up sky high.  We think it may have been due to adrenaline, and the epinephrine the body naturally releases when one is excited or nervous.  Apparently, says the absentee Doctor husband, epinephrine can suppress insulin, so the insulin we injected into Steven to bring down his sugar in the summer never quite brought him down to normal.  Usually he was swimming with a blood glucose level around 300 or so, when normal is 150.  The highest blood glucose he swam with was around 420.  That's pretty high! 

Anyway, this weekend will be a good trial run.  Hopefully he'll enjoy himself, and gain some confidence for future swim meets.  Mom and Dad are coming in to town to visit, so maybe they'll see him swim too.  There are always plenty of sports events going on to keep them occupied when they come to town!

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