I know it's past Thanksgiving, but nonetheless I feel like I should at least post some Halloween pictures!
Halloween really snuck up on us this year. Mac was gone until the 28th, so I didn't have much time or energy to get creative with costumes. In fact, this year I had the kids just choose costumes from the costume box. We actually didn't buy anything new. The kids got creative, though. I think a good time was had by all.
The first Halloween event was the Cub Scouts party. This was hectic indeed. The party was held about 2 weeks before Halloween! The kids raided the dress up box to choose clothes for this party. I was focused on the aspect of the Cub Scout Halloween party that we always miss: the pumpkin carving contest. This year I managed to get the boys' pumpkins carved before the party. We have brought uncarved pumpkins before- just so that we could participate in some way!
Here is a picture of Izzy, ever willing to help. I didn't carve the girls' pumpkins that day, as it was still way before Halloween. Izzy wanted to help scoop the pumpkin goop out anyway.
Steven followed his usual design: scary-pumpkin-attacking-a-Polly-Pocket. After this picture was taken, the little strip of pumpkin
between the nose and the mouth fell off, leaving a big gaping hole for the mouth. Scary!Luke always has definite ideas about his pumpkin design. There IS a right way, and it is Luke's way. He decided to add eyes, ears, and other various other unidentifiable features.
These pictures illustrate why it's so hard to get the kids out of the house, let alone dressed up in costumes AND carrying jack-o-lanterns... Months ago, the boys showed Josie how to play "light saver" as they call it. Just the added bit of hilarity and chaos one needs when running 5 minutes late...
Josie easily defeats this Power Ranger with her excellent "light saver" skills. Note the "mouthguard" she wears when fighting.
The Mysterious Isabel is reading the palm of 'Darth Vader on Vacation'. The fearless Josie is taking out the "good" (Power Ranger) while the "evil" (Vader) is distracted.
Izzy wore A Lot of Makeup to complete her costume. She decided she doesn't love makeup! Josie started out the night dressed in a costume, but it didn't take her long to take it off! She was not in the mood for dress up. She was in the mood for night-night...
Later on, about 2 weeks AFTER the cub scout party, we finally got around to carving the girls' pumpkins. Mac was home, so he used his Mad Surgical Skills to carve out these two wonders: Josie's pumpkin has eyes and a nose in heart shapes. Very fitting for a princess, which she is. She'll tell you too. "I pincess!"
Isabel, ever the artist, had a crazy intricate design with curly hair, earrings, and big eyes with eyelashes. Mac did his best! Maybe not quite what The Artist envisioned, but pretty good nonetheless.
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