Hmmmm, maybe I'm a little teensy bit bitter about medicine. Oh well.
Here is Mac with Josie watching the parade.
Poor Luke was not feeling well. When we got home after the parade he had a temperature of 101. Notice his pirate teeth! This pirate costume has been worn by Steven and Luke over the years. The teeth were a new accessory, though!
Isabel had a great time on the parade. She loved seeing daddy there! That was a special treat. She enjoyed being a gypsy this year. She also enjoyed the classroom party, the parade, even the walk home from school! Fun Times!
Steven and his friends are *almost* too cool for dress up. Steven is the one in the Darth Vader costume. Steven dressed up as "Darth Vader on Vacation." Steven still had a great time on the parade, although he tried to hide from me (and the camera) for some reason. Is it so embarrassing to have your mother chasing after you with her camera yelling "Stevie, hold still so I can take your picture!"? Really? That can't be embarrassing. Not to a 4th grader.
Josie dressed up in a horse costume, which at one time was Isabel's costume. Josie loved trick-or-treating. It was a special treat to be awake that late (usually she's in bed by the time it's dark). This was also one of the first times she'd been on a walk through the neighborhood without being strapped into her stroller. Six weeks after Halloween, she still asks to go trick-or-treating! Such fun!
It was a great night for trick-or-treating. It was warm enough that we ventured out of our small neighborhood to the neighborhood just up the street. It's a short walk away, but usually it's so cold and we are so sick of Halloween that we stay very close to home. This year everyone felt more festive. Here we are going on the pathway to the neighborhood up the street:
Here we are at our neighbor's house. Josie said "tic o tea" at every door, and when someone held the bowl of candy out to her she would just help herself, saying "ta tu". She got the most candy of all the kids. She was so cute that people just couldn't help themselves. Being a toddler, she insisted on carrying her stash. She ended up dragging her bag of candy for about 10 feet after every house, then she'd let me carry it for her. Too funny! She ended up with over ten pounds of candy.
She tried her first (of many) 3 Musketeer chocolate bars.
She wasn't sure at first if she liked it, but in the end she did. She went back to her bag of candy for more treats! She sampled a lot of candy that night. Too much candy! Mac took about half of the candy to work with him to give to staff and patients.
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