Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Ten Days of Christmas Break

Mac gets 10 whole days off from work for Chrismas!  We are not traveling anywhere this year, so we are going to try to make the most of it! 

 The First Day of Christmas Break was Christmas Eve.  I was still recovering from a very bad cold which sidelined me all week.  The girls were all still feeling sick.  The boys didn't even get sick, though!  Unfair!!  

For Christmas Eve, I had some grocery shopping to do in the morning.  I took two kids and braved the ridiculously long lines at Safeway to get some much-needed food to complete Christmas Dinner. 

While I was at the grocery store, Mac was with Steven.  Steven had a special swim practice, and while he was swimming Mac went to work out at the gym.  Mac is quite the meathead these days.  He works out a lot!  He weighs 205 pounds now.  That's about 30 pounds lighter than he has been for about 4 years! 

After the special swim practice, Isabel, Luke and I met Mac and Steven at a pizza joint for a swim team pizza lunch.  After lunch, we went with some members of the team to a local soup kitchen to stuff athletic socks with toiletries to give to the homeless people who come to the kitchen three times a day for warmth and good food.  The kids had fun stuffing soap, shampoo, toothpaste, etc. into socks.  They were impressed by the whole ministry. 

After that, we headed home for a little break.  I drove Kate to the mall with her friend.  Traffic was crazy.  We live very close to the mall, but the trip took me about 45 minutes!  All those last minute shoppers... 

About 2 hours later, we all went to the mall to pick up Kate and her friend.  We went into the mall to find her.  It was CROWDED to say the least.  People everywhere!  Santa looked positively exhausted.  He barely could crack a smile.  He did NOT look jolly.  We told the kids he was probably worried about all the work he had to do that night- delivering all those presents...  Poor Santa.

We eventually made it home... 

Everyone went to bed a little late-  The kids were so excited for Day 2 of the Ten Days of Christmas Break! 

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